"Nao quero ter a terrivel limitacao de quem vive apenas do que e passivel de fazer sentido. Eu nao: eu quero uma realidade inventada."

Clarice Lispector

quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2011

Letter to namorido.

I have been a romantic my whole life. But not a really good one. Even though I always thought all the movies and love songs are beautiful, and read every single cheap chick book I could lay my hands on, I never actually believed that such things could actually happen in real life.

I’ve had my share of teenage crushes, a few serious relationships, and the mandatory “till death tear us apart” first love, and still kept my belief that real love was more about fighting hard to make it work than about romance and joy.

Meeting you changed it. In fact, meeting you changed everything. And after 12 hours of our first date, this lousy romantic girl who never actually believed in love at first sight knew that had found something truly special. You amazed me from the very first time we met. And you keep amazing me every day.

You fit in my life as a long lost piece of an incomplete puzzle. It’s no wonder I call you my “private miracle”. That’s exactly what you have been: my guardian angel, my little private source of faith in life.

With you, I learned that love is not about fighting hard to be together, it is actually the opposite: you brought me peace. And even though in six days I will be yours in the eyes of the law and the world, I have been yours for the last 2 years. And I hope, always will.

My babinho, my puggie, my namorido, to use your own words: I am sooooooo ready to marry you. I don’t know what new surprises life will bring me, but as long i am with you, i know it will be good.

Um comentário:

  1. Lindo lindo lindo,

    Seu hubby encerrou o texto da maneira mais perfeita: tudo pode acontecer desde que vcs estejam um ao lado do outro. Vc já ouviu falar que almas gemeas se parecem até fisicamente??? Acho que vcs sao um exemplo!!heheh

    Beijao, Ju
